FLOWERS: A Guide to American Wildflowers by Zim, Martin, and Freund

This charming pocket paperback will put you under an inescapable spell  -A Golden Nature Guide with 134 plates in full color, a collection of wildflowers in the Americas; Herbert S. Zim, PhD and Alexander C. Martin, PhD. Vibrant llustrations by Rudolf Freund.

“Wildflowers grow almost everywhere, You’ll find them in deserts, swamps, and fields, on mountains, roadsides, and city lots -in all parts of our country. Flowers are far more intriguing than many people suspect. A flower is more than a splash of color and design.”

Featured specimens include the rabbitbrush, chicory, rose gentians, and an intimate disclosure of the clover – there are 75 diff species in the West…most have well known identifiable globular flower heads. The blood root is also featured and identified within the first sign of spring in the Northeast (a fragile flower with clear long petals). There are many unidentifiable wildflowers which stand out, amidst their rather dull write-ups, such as the delicate famed gentian  -“producing its base-like deeply fringed violet blue flower in its second year of growth.” The bee-balms and the trillions are among the featured —the trillions being handsome spring plants of moist eastern woodlands and western mountains; 15 species for these mysterious creatures. You will also find information on The Wildflower Preservation Society, and short essays are provided in the introduction for instructions on various amateur activities such as photographing, growing, collecting, and conserving whichever wildflowers you may find in your vicinity. Keep a notebook, and collect systematically your specimens. Printed in 1950 by Golden Press, NY.

If you’re very curious, we recommend you stop by one of our favorite databases for all blooming matter —