It may not look like much to the passerby, but the Plectranthus barbatus has quite an alluring list of facts beneath its fuzzy-leafed surface.
With over 10 different ethnobotanical properties, p. barbatus is a unique plant in the Lamiaceae family -but not at all a stranger to the common-day botanist. Herbal extracts can be used as an antioxidant (keep in mind…we’re working on a tincture down in our laboratory).
The renowned benefits of this specimen can be used for stomach disorders, nervous system conditions, respiratory disorders, and helps aid in circulation. This succulent creature is often referred to as the Patta ajavayin, or the Karpuravalli. The following are also well researched ethnobotanical properties: anti-tumorigenic, antifungal, and anti-viral.
All hail the humble, yet mighty, p. barbatus!!