Welcome to Season 7, fellow Venusians -make sure you've got your notebooks ready, as for today's class we'll be touching on a few elements we've had tucked behind our bra strap. As you might have predicted, it's almost our anniversary (we like to plan ahead), so in honor of this momentous event, we're laying out all the cards onto the table.
Join us as we discuss theories toward an understanding ov the mind ov thee artist, while touching on procrastination. Per your requests, we'll also be summoning the magician from his headquarters...as many moons ago, two like-minded individuals had begun their journey to self-discovery...this was a lonely endeavor, but a necessary one at that. This my friends, is a true story.
Ingredients: piano dreams, socks on inside-out, bubble baths, public oaths; tasting space for Ryan @ Leslie Saucer Radio <3